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Item | Description | Available | Price | UM | Mfg Part # | ||
50# K-31 FESCUE59.99
SKU: 9188989 K-31 FESCUE is the hardiest of the tall fescues. It is well adapted to our Midwestern soil and weather conditions. K-31 will provide a durable turf even in poor soils or heavy traffic areas. It grows vigorously in the spring and fall and it has good disease resistance. K-31 has deep and extensive root systems, which make it drought tolerant and excellent for erosion control in problem areas. It also resists stress from tree root competition and grows well in deeply shaded areas with little irrigation. K-31 also contains endophyte, which provides even better resistance to heat, drought and disease. For a desirable lawn, seed K-31 thickly at a rate of 10 lbs per 1000 sq ft. View Details |
9188989 | 50# K-31 FESCUE | Contact store for availability. | 59.99 | / BG | 50 LBS | |
25# K-31 FESCUE36.99
SKU: 9188990 K-31 FESCUE is the hardiest of the tall fescues. It is well adapted to our Midwestern soil and weather conditions. K-31 will provide a durable turf even in poor soils or heavy traffic areas. It grows vigorously in the spring and fall and it has good disease resistance. K-31 has deep and extensive root systems, which make it drought tolerant and excellent for erosion control in problem areas. It also resists stress from tree root competition and grows well in deeply shaded areas with little irrigation. K-31 also contains endophyte, which provides even better resistance to heat, drought and disease. For a desirable lawn, seed K-31 thickly at a rate of 10 lbs per 1000 sq ft. View Details |
9188990 | 25# K-31 FESCUE | Contact store for availability. | 36.99 | / BG | 25 LBS | |
SKU: 54070 Our signature blend that we are proud enough to put our name on. It combines three of the highest ranked tall fescues available in today's market. Comprising 80% of the blend, these tall fescues bring everything you need to the table to conquer our transition zone weather conditions. These varities exhibit fine, narrow-bladed leaves, a dense, slow growth habit,and dark green genetic color from early spring well into late fall. They are tolerant to everything from heat, shade,drought and salt, to diseases including brown patch. Feldmans KC Prime also includes an improved variety of spreading-type Kentucky Bluegrass to provide rich color, added disease resistance, high tiller density, and vigorous self- repair. Feldmans KC Prime also contains a top ranked, very dark green variety of Perennial Rygrass to provide fast establishment, early spring and late fall green up, and excellent wear resistance. View Details |
54070 | 50# FELDMANS KC PRIME | Contact store for availability. | 96.99 | / LB | 50 LBS | |
SKU: 54072 Is our signature blend that we are proud enough of to put our name on. It combines three of the highest ranked tall fescues available in today's market. Comprising of 80% of the blend, these tall fescues bring everything you need to the table to conquer our transition zone weather conditions. These varieties exhibit fine, narrow bladed leaves, a dense, slow growth habit and a dark green genetic color from early spring well into late fall. They are tolerate to everything from heat, shade, drought, and salt, to diseases including brown patch. View Details |
54072 | 25# FELDMANS KC PRIME | Contact store for availability. | 52.99 | / EA | 25 LBS | |
SKU: 54078 Shady acres is a perfect blend for shaded areas and an ideal choice when it comes to any low maintenance grass requirements. Shady Acres includes the dark green color, disease resistance, and turf performance contained in its improved variety of Kentucky Bluegrass. You also get the fine leaf texture and low prostate growth habits of its Creeping Red Fescue, which also contains high levels of endophyte allowing it to perform better under heat and drought conditions. The Hard Fescue variety in this blend gives it excellent density to help crowd out weeds and it also supports drought tolerance, This blend also includes and improved variety of Perennial Ryegrass for quick establishment and wear resistance, Shady Acres can be used in the most extreme conditions including cold tempetures, shaded areas, hard to mow areas, slopes , and rodesides. View Details |
54078 | 50# SHADY ACRES MIX | Contact store for availability. | 112.99 | / LB | 50 LBS | |
SKU: 54088 Blue Ribbon Mix, Is a blend that combines four of the top-rated Kentucky Bluegrasses from the newest generations on the market today. It also contains a top ranked, very dark green variety of Perrennial Ryegrass to provide fast establishment, early spring and late fall green up, and excellent wear resistance. With proper maintenance, Blue Ribbon will produce a beautiful dark green, dense, fine leaf-textured lawn. Unlike other Bluegrass varieties, Blue Ribbon varities feature excellent seeding vigor for quick establishment and high resistance to rust and powdery mildew. Blue ribbon will maintain a low growing habit, great wear recovery, and develop into a lawn you will be proud of and your neighbors will be envious of. View Details |
54088 | 25# BLUE RIBBON MIX | Contact store for availability. | 64.99 | / EA | 25 LBS | |
SKU: 80066 Diamond In The Rough brings new life to tired, worn-out playing fields and high traffic areas. A high-quality mix of three dark green fescues and two durable types of Kentucky Bluegrass, Diamond in th Rough is a resilient blend with rapid establishment and self-repairing characteristics due to its extensive rhizome system and vigorous seedlings. The addition of two varities of hardy Kentucky Bluegrass gives this blend a finer apperance that a straight Fescue mix, without sacrificing turf durability. Featuring Brown Patch and Leaf Spot resistance, Diamond in the Rough has excellent wear, heat, and drought tolerance, making it the ideal blend for repairing or starting new turf on sports fields and other high traffic areas in full sun or partial shade. View Details |
80066 | 50# DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH | Contact store for availability. | 103.99 | / LB | 50 LBS | |
SKU: 90330 Triple Play is our three-way tall fescue blend that provides outstanding overall turf quality. It contains the same three tall fescue varieties as our Feldmans KC Prime blend. These varieties exhibit fine, narrow-bladed leaves, a dense, slow growth habit, and a dark green genetic color from early spring well into late fall. They are tolerant to everything from heat, shade, drought, and salt, to diseases including brown patch. This blend is ideal for homeowners with a full sun to part shade lawn. The deep-tapping root systems of these fescues require less time and money spent on watering. View Details |
90330 | 50# TRIPLE PLAY FESCUE MIX | Contact store for availability. | 95.99 | / BG | 50 LBS | |
SKU: 9188965 CREEPING RED FESCUE is a fine bladed turf grass with medium to dark green color that spreads through seeding and root systems. IT is used in many turf areas including lawns, parks, roadsides and fairways. It is established easily from seed and is well suited for dry, shaded areas as either a pure stand or as a mixture with other turf blends such as Kentucky Bluegrass and Perennial Ryegrass. Creeping Red Fescue grows best on well drained sites and in droughty, infertile soils. It is one of the best grasses for use in shade, but it will also tolerate full sun conditions if adequately watered. It is also easy on the environment due to low water, mowing and fertilization requirements. Seed March-May and August-October at 3-5 lbs per 1000 sq ft. Over-seed at a Rate of 4 lbs per 1000 sq ft. View Details |
9188965 | 50# CREEPING RED FESCUE | Contact store for availability. | 109.99 | / BG | 50 LBS | |
SKU: 9188969 PERENNIAL RYEGRASS is a very quick germinating, sod forming grass that is fine textured and shinny green. High disease and insect resistance helps to keep Perennial Ryegrass one of the leading choices for lawns and playing fields. Perennial Ryegrass is often added to Kentucky Bluegrass and turf-type fescues to add strength and give the other grasses time to repair while the Perennial Ryegrass is in full growth. Seed February-June and August-October at a rate of 5-7 lbs per 1000 sq ft. View Details |
9188969 | 50# PERENNIAL RYEGRASS | Contact store for availability. | 114.99 | / BG | 50 LBS | |
SKU: 9188977 ANNUAL RYEGRASS is known primarily for its instant green coverage, and when used on newly sown lawns it acts as an erosion barrier while the permanent lawn develops. It is ideally suited for short term seasonal use as a fill-in to create green grass on new areas. Annual Ryegrass is adapted to many soil and climate conditions and is one of the few "throw and grow" seeds that can be sown without the hassle of tilling, scarifying or digging into the soil. During growing conditions, it will begin to grow in only 7 days. Seed February-June and August-October at a rate of 10-20 lbs per 1000 sq ft. View Details |
9188977 | 50# ANNUAL RYEGRASS | Contact store for availability. | 52.99 | / BG | 50 LBS | |
SKU: 9189011 Contractor Mix is a general purpose blend ideal for quick grass coverage. This blend consists of 75% Tall Fescue to provide good heat, drough, and disease resistance for areas of sun and shade. Contractor mis also contains 25% Annual Ryegrass for its instant green coverage. This blend is adapted to many soil and climate conditions. View Details |
9189011 | 50# CONTRACTOR MIX | Contact store for availability. | 86.99 | / BG | 50 LBS | |
SKU: 9331814 HOUNDOG 6 TALL FESCUE is a new and improved tall fescue variety developed for superior turf quality. It has high heat and disease resistance, and is used in a wide range of adaptations such as lawns, playing fields and golf coarse roughs. Houndog 6 is a very dark green, moderately fine textured tall fescue with excellent wear tolerance. With proper management it can survive in densely shaded sites and remain green throughout the growing season. It is well adapted to the "transition zone" where summers are too hot and humid for cool season grasses and winters too cold for warm season grasses. Houndog 6 It is fully endophyte enhanced, which provides increased resistance to a number of leaf and crown feeding insects and nematodes. The presence of endophyte also contributes to improved biotic and abiotic stress tolerance, improved seedling establishment, enhanced spring/fall recovery and reduced summer/winter weed invasion. Seed at a rate of 8-10 lbs per 1000 sq ft. Over-seed at a rate of 3-5 lbs per 1000 sq ft. View Details |
9331814 | HOUNDOG FESCUE PER POUND 50# | In Stock | 2.69 | / LB | PER LB | |
SKU: 9331815 HOUNDOG 6 TALL FESCUE is a new and improved tall fescue variety developed for superior turf quality. It has high heat and disease resistance, and is used in a wide range of adaptations such as lawns, playing fields and golf coarse roughs. Houndog 6 is a very dark green, moderately fine textured tall fescue with excellent wear tolerance. With proper management it can survive in densely shaded sites and remain green throughout the growing season. It is well adapted to the "transition zone" where summers are too hot and humid for cool season grasses and winters too cold for warm season grasses. Houndog 6 It is fully endophyte enhanced, which provides increased resistance to a number of leaf and crown feeding insects and nematodes. The presence of endophyte also contributes to improved biotic and abiotic stress tolerance, improved seedling establishment, enhanced spring/fall recovery and reduced summer/winter weed invasion. Seed at a rate of 8-10 lbs per 1000 sq ft. Over-seed at a rate of 3-5 lbs per 1000 sq ft. View Details |
9331815 | 50# HOUNDOG LAWN-TYPE FESCUE | Contact store for availability. | 98.99 | / LB | 50 LBS | |
SKU: 9331816 HOUNDOG 6 TALL FESCUE is a new and improved tall fescue variety developed for superior turf quality. It has high heat and disease resistance, and is used in a wide range of adaptations such as lawns, playing fields and golf coarse roughs. Houndog 6 is a very dark green, moderately fine textured tall fescue with excellent wear tolerance. With proper management it can survive in densely shaded sites and remain green throughout the growing season. It is well adapted to the "transition zone" where summers are too hot and humid for cool season grasses and winters too cold for warm season grasses. Houndog 6 It is fully endophyte enhanced, which provides increased resistance to a number of leaf and crown feeding insects and nematodes. The presence of endophyte also contributes to improved biotic and abiotic stress tolerance, improved seedling establishment, enhanced spring/fall recovery and reduced summer/winter weed invasion. Seed at a rate of 8-10 lbs per 1000 sq ft. Over-seed at a rate of 3-5 lbs per 1000 sq ft. View Details |
9331816 | 25# HOUNDOG LAWN-TYPE FESCUE | Contact store for availability. | 54.99 | / LB | 25 LBS |